Safety is first at PBE on all customer sites. The relationship between PQ & safety is key to ensuring customer facilities operate predictably & reliably to keep personnel & visitors safe in their working electrical environments. When building electrical systems & equipment experience problems, safety is compromised.
PBE Engineers use advanced state-of- the-art technology for PQ monitoring, analysis & mitigation when understanding, identifying, solving & preventing problems in customer BESs & electronic equipment. With our know-how & expertise, this ensures we have the information to explain to our customers how we can help them reduce & manage the risks associated with operating electronic loads on every day building electrical systems.
PBE’s expertise & experience in PQ ensures quality work is provided to our customers. Our engineers’ commitment to their work ensures our products & services provide the improvements customers expect.
PBE’s dedication to training ensures customers start learning about PQ & the importance of starting a PQ program for their facilities & ensuring it is kept up-to-date to maintain BES & equipment performance.
Our PQ e-Knowledgebase Center provides paths for you to learn about PQ & how, why, when & where PQ problems occur. Through our training options, you can start from the beginning & learn why these problems occur in today’s electrical environment (i.e., how we got here) & the facets of PQ to help you understand, identify, solve & prevent PQ problems in utility power systems, building electrical systems & electronic loads.
Electricity is the blood that keeps society & its economy running. Buildings provide the infrastructure for building electrical systems (BESs) to power & control equipment & network it together. PBE Engineers specialize in conducting investigations & evaluations on wiring & grounding systems, control systems & networks. We get to the bottom of problems with electrical systems & electrical & electronic equipment. Regardless of the cause, we find the problems. Equipment—electrical & electronic, whether analog or digital, are the workhorses requiring quality power compatible with the building electrical systems & its equipment to do the work necessary to produce products to keep businesses operating & the economy running. Equipment reliability & performance not only depends on quality power to the building but also how that power flows through the BES to the electronic equipment.
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